Thursday, November 24, 2011


It's thanksgiving day and Grant is not here with us.  It's thanksgiving day and i don't really feel thankful.... i know i have many things to be thankful for, but at the moment it is hard. I feel angry that my son is not here with us.  I should be holding him in my arms right now, instead i visited his grave this morning.  It's not fair. it is simply not fair.  But one thing i am 100% grateful for is the fact that i did get to hold my son in my arms and i got to hold his little hands and kiss his sweet face.  I may not get to have him with me here on earth, but one day when it is my time to go to heaven i will be able to spend eternity with my son.  I am thankful for the sacrifice that Jesus made for me on the cross, taking away my sins so that i get that opportunity to go to heaven and to have the assurance that i will see my baby again.


  1. I thought of you and Tom a lot on thanksgiving... I thought about Grants beautiful service, and how, in the moment of such great sorrow, Tom sang to the Lord. "Give Thanks...". I am, and continue to be amazed at your strength and courage. You wake up every morning, and put one foot in front of the other. Who could ask for anything more?

    I can not imagine how much your heart must hurt. I just want you to know that I love you friend. I would love to see you, and go out for coffee or something. Please email me if you have time.

    Love you friend, and I am proud of you.
    Lindsey Antone

  2. Thank you Lindsey! I love you too!!!! Thank you for your love and support. I would really like to hang out soon. I am taking a break from Facebook for a month or two and i dont have your email. my e-mail is i check it everyday. or my cell is 852-1061.

    Love you,
