Friday, November 4, 2011

My Son's Gravestone

Isaiah 26:3
"You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you"

  Today Tom and I went to the the cemetery to watch them put our sons gravestone down.  This was a day that i was both looking forward to and dreading.  I was looking forward to it because i would always know where my son was buried, never having to wonder.  The dreading part is obvious, to me it was the reality and finality of his death. I did not know how i would handle seeing his name and date of death written in stone.
  When we got to the cemetery i saw a couple of the worker preparing the land by his grave for his gravestone.  It made me nausea's, it was something that i did not want to face but knew i had to.  I am his mom and even though i cant physically be there for him, i can honor him by being present in this moment no matter how hard it would be.  It was so cold out in the mid 40's! So different from his funeral when it was 90 degrees out!  Both extreme temperatures to match my extreme grief.
  When the workers got the gravestone out and placed it on the ground, in that moment i just felt peace, i felt proud that my husband had chosen such a beautiful gravestone for our son, the black granite sparkled in what little sun that peaked through the clouds.
  As i stood there looking at it i felt so sad, the week that Grant was to be born was the week that we saw his gravestone be put on his grave.  It sucks.  It should not be this way, i should be holding my son in my arms right now, getting no sleep and feeling so lucky to have such a sweet little boy as my son.  Tom should be rocking him in the rocker, singing to him so i could get a little bit of sleep.  So many "should have been's" there are hundreds of them if i listed them all.  It's not fair that we have to miss out on Grants life. 
  Even though his gravestone was the final act for his burial, it is not the final act for his short life.  I don't know how but i will make sure that Grant will have a legacy that his life will matter and i know that somehow God will turn it into purpose. It is my hope, my prayer that his life, his story will help people.  But if i had the choice i would have him back in a second, but i don't have a choice and i cant dwell on the "what ifs" and "should have beens"...even though i do, its hard not to.  But i need to focus on allowing God to somehow take my deepest pain and my greatest loss and turn it into purpose for his glory.


  1. Beautifully written Mashele! I love you!

  2. We do not always know now the purpose of things that befall us. Nor do we often glimpse the far reaching acts of beauty that come from tragedy. But this I know, someone out there who is hurting and grieving and crying out to God needs to hear your story and needs to find comfort in it themselves. Keep writing, for some day you might wish to share it with another young woman who now faces the same situation you are in. You will be a blessing to them that God put's in their life.

    I cannot fathom the grief you must be going through. But I know this. You are a strong and beautiful woman who inspires me with your strength and faith. You and your husband and your relationship inspire us all around you. I pray God blesses you both through this.

  3. Bill- Thank you so much for your sweet words and encouragement! Means so much to me!

  4. Thanks for sharing, Mashele. I just know in my spirit that God has something special for baby Grant in his Kingdom. The words and feelings from your heart, will reach other women who might experience such a traumatic event, and they will find comfort knowing that it is okay to greive and cry out to God for his Grace is sufficient. Love you and Tom.

  5. Donna,
    Thank you so much! That is my hope and prayer too! Love you!

  6. So very sweet and sad, yet so hopeful too, Mashele! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We are continuing to pray for both you and Tom that you will continue to find peace and rest from all the grief. No, death is not the way it was supposed to be. Somehow these sad, unexplainable things happen, but, as you say, by the grace of God, we believe that little Grant's life does have purpose and meaning. We just have to wait for God to reveal it to us. In the meantime, may the Lord comfort you and strengthen you both in the days ahead. Love you very much! ~from Aunt Sally

  7. Aunt Sally,

    Thank you so much! Means a lot to me! Tom and i love and miss you!!!
