Wednesday, June 13, 2012

9 Years

On this day 9 years ago Tom Moore II asked me to be his girlfriend and i said yes.  The 9 years have been full of great joys and deep sorrows. 

When i was a little girl i made up a list of all the qualities i wanted in my future husband...i even wrote what i wanted him to look like too! lol.  I am happy to say that on that list there were 30 things that i wanted in my future husband and Tom met and exceeded that list. God gave me my hearts desire by giving and blessing me with Tom as my husband. 

There is no one else i would ever want to walk this road with.  God knew the journey that my life would take and he knew that i needed a very special man to walk it with.  Tom loves me unconditionally...he has always and i mean always been gentle with me in speech and in actions, he works so hard to provide me a good life.  He holds my hand when life gets scary and promises to honor and love me in all he does. I am so blessed!

  As we celebrate 9 years of being together we celebrate it with a heavy heart.  Wishing that our sons could be here with us. Remembering that this day also holds the fact that it has been 3 months since our second son Zachary went to be with Jesus.  This life has many ups and downs but i am so thankful to be walking this road with Tom by my side and the Lord as our guide.  To my husband i say thank you for guarding, honoring and protecting my heart...every day you make me feel like a princess. I love you!

Tom and I June 2003

                                                        Tom and I present day 2012

1 comment:

  1. Aw, so sweet! You guys make a perfect match, but then God knew that! :) Love you lots and my heart aches because yours does. <3
