Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 13 2012

"The LORD is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

Psalm 34:18

I cant believe i am writing this, i cant even wrap my mind around it.  After 13 hours of labor my 16 week baby boy was born.  There was nothing wrong with him, he was alive until the last final moments of my labor because he was just too young to live.  We don't know what caused the bleeding that made me go into pre-term labor but in the next few months we will try to find out all the answers we can as to what happened.

 I am still in shock that within 6 1/2 months i had 2 beautiful healthy sons pass away before they ever got to take their first breath of life.  Its not fair.  My heart was just starting to heal after Grants death and in a moment that was all taken from me when my son Zachary Thomas Moore was born and did not survive.  I am now grieving for 2 sons, 2 sons that i wanted more then anything in the world, i know it has just been a week but i have moments where i don't think my heart can handle the is just too intense.  I miss my boys so much.

 As soon as Zachary entered the world i heard the Dr say "its a boy" and then the nurse say "yep there is no doubt about it its a boy!"  Snow had started to lightly fall outside the windows and i looked down at my son who was 5 inches long and perfectly formed with long fingers and big feet (like his brother and daddy) I looked at his profile and he looked so much like his big brother and that made my heart ache.  I watched as my husband held him in the palm of his hand and sang to him "God will make a way" with tears streaming down his face just loving on his son.  I sat there with silent tears asking God "Why?"  Why would you allow for us to face this once again...i really thought that God had blessed us with Zachary, that he remembered our pain and that the month of August was going to be a time of restoration and healing for us.

I cant believe this journey has taken a new direction...a direction that i hate.  but i have no choice.  I am so mad at God right now, but through the anger and bitter tears, i still love Him i still trust Him, sometimes i think how could i trust Him after all this...but i do, i have to, He is the only thing that really helped me make it when Grant passed away and now as i face the loss of my second son i need the Lord more then ever, i need His peace and comfort in a big way.  I have had moments this past week where i feel like God has forgotten about me....and it is a lonely place to be.  But I'm choosing in spite of my deep pain and sorrow to surrender it to the One who is holding my sons in his arms right now.  As we start this new scary journey tom and i ask that you remember us in your prayers. 

I am hoping to write on this blog once a week.  Thank you for taking the time to listen to this mothers breaking heart and thank you for walking this road with us by supporting us with prayers and by just being there for us.


  1. Replies
    1. Oh Mashele I can not fathom your two's sorrow. I am so very sorry.....I am, though, very impressed with how you are dealing with this....your strength is so amazing. You and your husband's trust in the One who created those precious babies knows why. While we can't understand and hurt terribly, we CAN trust the Only True God who loves them more than we do. I love you, Mashele and am praying for you two. Carla

  2. Oh Mashele, there are no words...

  3. It's not fair and I'm so angry right now. I'm sorry you are going through this. Thanks for sharing your deep feelings and emotions. It helps me understand what you are going through even more. I love you so much and I desperately want to take away your pain and loss and reverse time. I wanted so much to hold and kiss those sweet little boys and read and play with them...I'm not gonna lie, I was already feeling pretty possessive the moment I found out about each pregnancy. I am just the substitute auntie, though, and my loss is just a miniscule drop compared to your mountain of grief as their mommy. You and Tom - a great parent combo. I know those boys would have had a blast with you. I know you will love them deeply all your life even though they have been stolen from your arms. I hate what's happened. I am thankful that you do see God as the One who will carry you through, but I also understand the expression of your feelings and they are so valid. As you pass through the valley of the shadow of death, may you feel Him with you! Love you always, Katie

  4. Mashele and Tom, God knows your anger and is big enough and wise enough to accept it and love you because He knows your broken hearts. He lost a Son and so has already gone before you. you have the right to yell and scream at Him. he's big enough to handle it and you are so right,Who else do we have to go to but God. I don"t like easy platudes but I so want you to not let any one tell you how to grieve. the way you and Tom grieve is the right way love and hugs Edna Horn

  5. Thank you all so much for taking the time to listen to my heart. Love you all

  6. To both of you, I know that it must seem as if every one is going on with life as usual. but i know God has raised up avid prayerers who are loving and keeping you held up.I have times during the day that I feel like my heart is breaking and I know I need to stop and pray. And Often I wake up at night and I know you are crying for your little ones. I lost a much loved little great grandson a year ago, It seems as if he still should be here, Please call anytime 541-746-1117 Love Edna Horn

    1. Thank you are so sweet means a lot to us.

  7. I am so grateful for a Heavenly Father who's arms I can run to when the pain is overwhelming. Our son Adam is waiting in heaven after being still-born at 19 weeks. Reading about Tom holding Zachary and singing to him brought back all the memories so I sit here crying for both of us. Just know we are praying for you both and we love you.

    1. Karla,

      I did not know...I am so sorry to hear about Adam. It is such a hard road to walk...but you are right i am so thankful that i have a God i can run to when the pain is too much to bare. I love and miss you!
