Wednesday, March 28, 2012


My husband and i are the kind of people that remember and or celebrate all the special little and big milestones in our lives. This Tuesday marked 2 weeks since Zachary passed away.  It seems so unreal that it even happened.  He should still be in me, i should at this point be feeling his first kicks and movements in all our ultrasounds he was so active i knew i would be getting lots of kicks and punches from my little guy.  I am mourning over the loss of feeling those special movements that i always loved and looked forward to with my firstborn Grant.  I feel so cheated that this coming Monday the 2nd tom and i wont be learning the gender of our baby and shopping and decorating for his jungle theme nursery...but instead we found out 2 weeks ago that we had a boy when the doctor announced "its a boy" just moments after he had passed away.  There are many more things that i will miss out on...but these are the main ones that are hitting me hard at the moment. I miss him and love him with every fiber in my being.

Today the 28th also holds a memory of my firstborn son Grant that i love.  One year ago today we announced to the world that we were pregnant and that we were due to have the  baby the first week of November. It was the day i saw my baby on the ultrasound screen for the first time and saw that beautiful heart beating so strong.  I was so excited and nervous to let everyone know that we were going to be parents...that the desire of my heart came true after 6 years of praying and seeking God for a child....he answered my prayer.  Sadly as you know that i only got to keep Grant for 30 weeks.  This Friday will mark 7 months since Grant went to be with Jesus.

I just really miss my boys right now and want them to know that i remember those special days and keep them close to my heart.

This is the 8 weeks ultrasound i shared with all my family and friends 1 year ago today.

Daddy holding Grant after he was born

                                              Daddy holding Zachary after he was born

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