Monday, May 14, 2012

What it means to be a Mother

Yesterday my husband surprised me with a poem he wrote for me to give to me on my first Mothers Day without my sons.  It meant so much to me and he even got it framed too! I am so blessed to have him in my life and i wanted to share the poem he wrote me:

What it means to be a Mother
Written by Tom Moore

What it means to be a mother
is so much more than people think
more than the act of giving birth
though while hard passes in a blink
No a mother is much more than this
for her life is forever changed
for now her heart is not her own
her priorities rearranged
While there are many thoughts out there
of what the word mother might mean
the truth is not found in the name
but rather in actions seen
A mother is one whose love never fails
it never falters
it never dies
A mother is one whose children always come first
no matter how hard
or how many tears cried
A mother is a mother
no matter the cost
whether heart and arms full
or broken with loss
Though meanings can change
one thing I know to be true
When I hear the word mother
I Think Of You

       Grant                Zachary

Mommy's first time holding Grant

Mommy's first time holding Zachary

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