Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I would love you with a strong pulse,
but pulse-less, I love you still.

I would love you with a loud cry
that reached through my ears to my heart,
but tearless, you have reached my heart, still.

I would love you with crinkled face of newborn desire,
but with face crinkled from lack of life,
I love you still.

I would love you if your pulsing finger
wrapped 'round mine in a reassuring grasp of need,
but, lifeless, with your 8 month old finger limp on mine
I reassure you with my grasp of need, still.

I wanted your devotion, your love,
your companionship, and irreplaceable relationship,
but with your death,
I am learning compassion for deep scars in others,
and gaining companionships with them in their suffering,

I wish my house rang with your loud cries,
but void of an infant,
our home loves you, still.

I lay in my warm bed at night,
but you lie in a white casket
beneath tonight's' moonbeams,
your spirit in God's presence, still.

I would love you if you were softly
stirring in my arms as I cuddled you close,
but I love you as you are now,

Author Unknown